
“Jesus said to her ‘Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed.” Luke 10:41-42
“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33
Do you feel overwhelmed with stress? Stress is how you react when you feel under pressure or threatened. It usually happens when you are in a situation that you don’t feel you can manage or control.
Why do we get overwhelmed with stress?
Some people over commit themselves at work and at home. Sometimes it seems unavoidable with children and aging parents to care for. It is easier to describe the problem than it is to provide the solution.
Martha was annoyed that her sister Mary was not helping her serve the meal. Stressed by many duties she neglected the essential duty of seeking God first, see quotations above. Experience shows that putting God first reduces stress in our lives.
Does being stressed-out really matter?
When we are stressed we sleep badly and are prone to ill health. It also affects our relationships… no one likes an irritable person.
In addition to this, earthly cares have a serious affect on our spiritual health as well. Our weary brains are choked with cares. We have neither time or inclination to listen to the Gospel message and its offer of salvation.
I am very stressed, how can I get comfort?
You must first get your priorities right. You must seek God and forgiveness of sins before anything else. In your busy life you must make time for God. Your greatest sin is the neglect of God. You must confess it, and find forgiveness in Christ.
When you put God first He will help you. When you cast your burden of care on Him, He will sustain you.