Facing death

“The sting of death is sin… but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:56-57
“… and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.” Hebrews 2:15
The Bible tells us that God made a world that was morally and physically perfect. No one behaved badly, and there was neither death or sickness. When man disobeyed God, it resulted in death and mankind has lived in the fear of death ever since.
Why do I have to die?
Our sinful behaviour in this life only increases our dread of death. For when we die we must meet a holy and perfect God. The sting of death is therefore our sin, but Jesus came to release us from the fear of death, see quotations above.
Why do I dread dying so much?
The Bible tells us that Jesus died in the place of every believer on the cross. Speaking of believers it says “[Jesus] bore our sins in His own body on the tree [cross]” (1 Peter 2:24). Jesus came alive three days later because the price of sin had been paid in full. As a result, believers have nothing to fear from death. Their sin has already been punished in Christ. The sting has been taken out of death.
What comfort does the Gospel give?
Admit your sin now, and start living for God and not yourself. Trust Christ’s death alone to put you right with God. If you do this you need not fear death, and Jesus will reserve a place in heaven for you. When you die you will be with Him in Paradise (Luke 23:43). Believers find great comfort from knowing that Christ died for them. They can die with confidence!
What must I do to get this comfort?
Admit your sin now, and start living for God and not yourself. Trust Christ’s death alone to put you right with God. If you do this you need not fear death, and Jesus will reserve a place in heaven for you. When you die you will be with Him in Paradise (Luke 23:43). Believers find great comfort from knowing that Christ died for them. They can die with confidence!