
“For the Lord has called you like a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, like a youthful wife when you were refused” Isaiah 54:6

“My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” Matthew 27:45

Rejection is one of the most common problems of our society today. If you think differently from the patterns of this world you will face rejection. Never in the history of humankind, individuals felt so rejected and forsaken as today.

Why do people reject those they love?

Some of the closest bonds in life end unhappily. Husbands desert their wives and parents forsake their children. Yet couples when they marry express undying love for each other, and nature teaches us to love our offspring.
There is a principle stronger than these natural ties; it is called sin. Love is often no more than self-gratification, and many parents selfishly live for themselves and not their children.

How can I face rejection?

Rejection hurts. We all need to be loved. When rejected it is not unusual to feel worthless, like rubbish that is thrown away.
Whatever others think, you are not worthless. You are the noblest part of God’s creation, made in the image of God Himself. God who made us understands the heartache of rejection, as the quotation above makes clear. There is no one who understands desertion better than Jesus, forsaken as He was in His dying moments.

How can the Gospel of Christ comfort me?

If you have been rejected or forsaken you need a friend. Jesus is the friend of sinners, but to enjoy His friendship we must turn from the things that displease Him. “You are my friends” said Jesus, “if you do whatever I command you” (John 15:14). When Jesus died for sinners He was forsaken by God. Come as a sinner to Jesus and you can always feel secure in his love for you.